Friday 30 March 2012

Are you Surge Protected?

Ask yourself a simple question, “Are my prized electronic devices such as Computers, Home Entertainment Systems and Audio Equipment protected from harmful power surges or lightening strikes”? If the answer to this question is yes, then how old are the surge protectors, are they still functioning and are they providing enough protection? If they answer is no, then why not?
Modern home entertainment and audio equipment can be expensive to replace if anything goes wrong with it. Most people probably never give a thought to protecting it from power surges on the electricity supply lines, or worse still, from lightning strikes during a storm. A single surge protection plug that costs on average between £4-£7 can protect equipment worth hundreds or thousands of pounds. A 4-way surge strip with 4 AC Outlets can also be bought for as little as £5 or £6, so it makes sense to make a small investment to protect against electrical damage to expensive items.
The function of a surge suppression or surge protection device is to detect and act against harmful surges in voltage on your mains power supply. These sudden increases in voltage are often referred to as voltage spikes, and can occur at any time. Good surge suppression devices will direct any excess voltage harmlessly to ground and away from the connected equipment.
Any surge protection product will have a joules rating to indicate how much energy the device can absorb when a power spike has been detected. Most commercial surge suppression products will have a joules rating measured in hundreds or thousands of Joules, and even with a simple surge plug you should be looking for a rating of at least 200 joules and preferably over 1000 joules.
The common method employed by these devices to absorb the excess energy is by means of an MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor), which comprises two semiconductors that have a variable resistance. When the voltage increases the resistance decreases, thus providing a path of least resistance to ground for voltages in excess of what you would expect from a good power supply.
A surge protection device will be designed to direct energy to earth when the voltage reaches a certain level, and this level is known as the Clamping Voltage. For a 240v supply, this voltage will normally be something over 300 volts. Additionally, the time it takes for the surge suppression device to recognise and act upon a voltage spike is known as the response time, and although some manufacturers quote this time on their product literature and packaging, in reality a surge device utilising an MOV will always have a fast response time because that is the nature of an MOV.
Replacing ageing multi-socket power strips should become a priority if you consider your home entertainment, audio equipment or networking equipment to be important. Surge suppression strips are relatively inexpensive and will give peace of mind that when a power spike occurs, your equipment will provide the necessary Surge protection.
This article on Surge Protection was written by David Christie, MD at NSTUK Ltd, Website .

Friday 9 March 2012

Do the General Public take Surge Protection Seriously?

When it comes to Surge Protection, I am of the opinion that a large percentage of the Public are unaware of the dangers of not providing surge protection for expensive electronic devices such as TVs, Home Entertainment Systems, Computers and Hi-Fi Systems.

A lot of homes probably have outdated power strips that provide little or no protection against power surges or in extreme cases, lightening strikes. The cost of providing some rudimentary protection is minimal when compared to the cost of replacing the electronic items themselves. The average retail purchase price of a 4-way surge protection strip is around £6, depending on the length of extension cable required with it. Individual surge plug adapters come in at an average price of £5.50. The price increases if you also require AV protection, which is designed to protect equipment connected to your phone line or coaxial cable connection.

Voltage spikes caused by fluctuations in the mains power supply from the power company are the main cause of damage to electrical devices. A surge protection device will harmlessly short the excess voltage to ground and away from sensitive equipment. Any surge suppression device will have a Joules rating associated with it. As a Joule is a measure of energy, this rating indicates how much of the energy caused by a voltage spike can be absorbed. The joules figure quoted on any surge strip or surge adapter can be confusing and misleading, but I would look for a figure in excess of 250 Joules and hopefully significantly more than that.
Surge suppression devices normally incorporate a Metal Oxide Varistor to divert any excess energy safely to ground. An MOV is a simple device comprising two metal oxide semiconductors that have variable resistance. When the voltage is high then the resistance in the MOV is low, therefore harmlessly directing the additional current to flow to ground. As the voltage returns to normal levels, the resistance in the MOV also increases, thus allowing normal current to flow to any attached electrical devices. The point at which the MOV will divert current away from connected devices is know as the clamping voltage, with common ratings being somewhere between 300-500 volts.

The time it takes for surge protection device to respond to an increase in voltage is known as the response time, which is normally measured in nanoseconds, whilst research has shown that voltage spikes take significantly longer to reach their peak voltage.

Now back to our original statement about the number of households with inadequate surge protection. It is important that the message goes out to the public about the advantages of using surge suppression equipment, and the possible consequences of not investing in it. A few pounds investment could save hundred or thousands of pounds in damaged equipment. Even if the devices are covered under an insurance policy, there is also the inconvenience of being without your treasured home entertainment system while an insurer processes the claim.

On a final note, surge protection devices that commonly use MOVs, have a limited lifespan depending on how many voltage spikes they experience and the severity of them. Good surge suppression products will have an indicator light to provide a visual indication that surge protection is being given. If those visual indicators suggest that the device is faulty or worn out, then it is time to replace the device. No real time period can be put on the life expectancy of a surge strip, because it is really down to the quality and reliability of the mains power supply itself. If you are not using surge protection, then I would seriously recommend that you consider It soon.

This article on Surge Protection was written by David Christie, MD at NSTUK Ltd, Website .

Thursday 1 March 2012

Are your Home Electronics Devices Protected against Power Surges?

You may have a number of expensive home electronic devices in your home, including a TV, Home Entertainment System, Audio Systems, PCs. Are you protected if a power surge occurs on your mains electricity supply?

If you need additional power outlets you go off to your local hardware store and purchase a power strip with maybe 3, 4 or 6 outlets. Do these surge strips have surge protection features enabled, or are they merely extensions?

A typical 4-way surge protection device might cost you £10-15 in your local highstreet store, but online you can purchase a surge strip for as little as £5-6. That is not much to pay when you consider that it might protect your pride and joy, that brand new 46 inch HD TV, or your £1500 home entertainment system you treat yourself and your family to.

Sudden increases in voltage on your mains power supply come without warning and if they are of sufficient magnitude they could severly damage unprotected electronic devices. A surge protection device will harmlessly route the excess voltage to ground, normally through the use of a MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor). The MOV typically consists of two variable resistance strips which decrease in resistance as an increase in voltage occurs. The least resistance path is to ground, so the energy is dissipated harmlessy.Once the voltage returns to normal, the resistance of the MOV increases and current flows normally to your attached equipment.

Some surge protection equipment even has additional outlets for telephone line and cable connection, therefore protecting any equipment connected via the telephone or cable.

It really is worth the investment of a few pounds to protect your most treasured home consumer electronics products.

This post was written by David Christie.
For great value surge protection products, take a look at

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Buy Power Strips with Surge Protection

If you currently use power adapters or power plugs with 2 or 3 outlets, then you should consider replacing them with power strips, preferably with built in surge protection features. Some of these adapters do have a fuse, but this is the only protection you will have from a short circuit, electricity supplier power surge or a lightening strike. Too many people overload these adapters by either plugging in too many high power rated devices such as heaters, or even by plugging in additional adapters. They are easily pulled out of the wall socket if someone trips over a cable or cables are too tight. For your own safety, it is time to think of replacing them with relatively inexpensive power strips, particularly one with surge protection features.
Power strips provide a block of electrical sockets attached to a cable with a mains plug and you can choose the length of mains cable, typically between 1 and 5 metres. Many of these power strips have a built-in circuit breaker to protect against excess current, and of course the mains plug will be fused. Within Europe any plug or socket that does not have the addition of surge protection will not be CE marked, so look for this mark when purchasing.
Surge protection devices are sometimes referred to as surge suppression devices and our designed to protect against sudden increases in voltage known as voltage spikes, which can occur on your mains electricity supply. Any excess voltage detected is dealt with by normally shorting the unwanted voltage to ground. Some surge protection devices will also provide additional protection for some data communications devices as well as general appliances. There are 3 main features to look for when determining a good surge suppression device, and they are the Joules Rating, Clamping Voltage and Response Times.
A Joule is a unit of energy and a Joules rating will define how much energy can be absorbed when a power surge or voltage spike occurs. Surge protectors should have joules ratings of over 200 Joules, with good surge protection devices having ratings in excess of 1000 Joules. Good surge suppression devices will absorb a certain amount of energy and divert the remainder to ground. Most devices employ a MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor), which is normally comprised of metal oxide that connects the power to ground by means of two semiconductors with variable resistance. Resistance is high when the voltage is low and low when the voltage is high, allowing the additional current to flow to ground. The resistance will return to a high level once the power surge is over, allowing current to continue to flow to the attached devices.
The Clamping Voltage is the voltage level at which point the surge protection device will divert the excess energy away from the line. Typical clamping voltages range between 330 and 500 Volts.
A surge protector will be designed to respond to a voltage spike within a certain period of time, as it is impossible to respond instantaneously. A short response time will ensure that connected devices are not exposed to the excess voltages for too long a duration. The voltage spikes themselves take time to reach their peak voltage, so surge suppression devices are designed to react in several nanoseconds, which is before most voltage spikes would reach peak. Although some manufacturers quote response times on their products, this is not always an important factor when choosing a surge suppression product, mainly because response times of MOVs are always significantly faster than the time the average surge takes to peak.
If you are still using multi-outlet power plugs or adapters, then please consider replacing them with surge strips. For a few pounds you can protect your expensive audio or video equipment and also provide a safer environment in the home by having a more secure connection to your mains power outlet. Surge protection does make sense and will give you some peace of mind for your home appliances.
This article on Surge Protection was written by David Christie, MD at NSTUK Ltd, Website .

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Lower Your Electricity Bill With Small Improvements In Your Home

Lower Your Electricity Bill With Small Improvements In Your Home

Lower Your Electricity Bill With Small Improvements In Your Home

By Raymond Garrow Jr.

You have to rethink your home energy plan to lower your power bill. Not only for economic reasons but also to help with the issues of global warming, growing populations and oil shortages. These minor improvements to your behavior and equipment will enable you to spend less on your electricity bill and more on yourself. Not to mention you will have less dependence and use of diminishing oil resources.

  • New Lighting - alter both your habits and equipment to lower your power bill through your lighting. It is one of the greatest electricity draws on your usage. Start simply enough by creating a habit of switching your lights off when not in use. That alone can make a big difference. You'll want to also get alternative bulbs and switch out all your old lights to the power friendly compact fluorescent light bulb. These work longer and save your homes and businesses money. You can go a step further in your companies building by retro fitting the out dated fluorescent ballasts from "T12" or "T8" bulbs to the newer "T5" technology. Make sure to look for a retro fit contractor instead of installing new ballasts in order to save money and reduce waste. To make a case for "T5", their usage has shown as much as 50% savings compared to the previous methodology.

  • Use surge strips and timed plugs - there are lots of brand name surge strips that both shield your electronics and help strengthen your power saving techniques. Surge strips are fantastic due to the fact you'll be able to use quite a few devices at 1 time and they offer surge protection. So you're saving yourself energy by shutting off the use of all of your devices with a single flip of a switch. See if your device is connected it draws from the outlet even if it's not on. Surge strip switches eradicate the latent electricity drain. Timed plugs will also turn off power at the outlet when the user wants it off.

  • New Appliances - The Energy Star compliant products on the market today are made to help improve the drain on your bill and to affect change globally as the standard is adopted.

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat - This task is very straight forward and easy to accomplish. It takes a screw driver and little else. Follow the directions on the package of the one that you buy. These thermostats will turn on your heating system with greater accuracy and give you more precise control.

  • Always weatherize your house - every season brings the same set of maintenance issues so it is best to continually check your house for leaks and heat escapes. Your energy usage depends greatly on a good seal between you and the elements. In numerous cases you'll be able to merely walk through your house and feel where there might be gaps in the wall or around doors and windows. Once you've located any breaches take some caulking or spray insulation and fill them in.

You will experience a decrease in the size of your electricity bill with these minor adjustments. is a website for customers to find out how to save on electricity bills. Our site teaches you how to shop for electric and save on electricity per kWh. Our site is designed to teach you how to lower your power bill and learn about solar to help you make great decisions about your energy plan.

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Do You Use Surge Protectors?

Home Surge Protection
By []Robert Farbe

Do you use surge protectors? Do you know what they are? Surge protectors are like a TV. People want them but don't understand how they work. Most people don't even care how they work. Let me help you understand it is and why you need them in your home.

It can also be called a surge suppressor. It is a device that protects electrical devices from voltage spikes. Basically, it protects your appliances. Wikipedia describes it as attempting "to limit the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground any unwanted voltages above a safe threshold."

Surge Protectors and Lightning Arresters

There are protection devices available for photovoltaic or PV systems and they are ones available for your home.

You can have a protection device for lighting on your solar powered system located on the disconnect box. The lightning arrester is much more important than a surge protector for solar. Lightning is a big problem with photovoltaic. Lightning arresters protect your appliances. They are a way of protecting lightning strikes and a way of protecting surges. Sometimes surges are caused by lightning strikes.

Lightning can hit in different places. It can hit your modules directly or it can strike close to your inverter. Lightning can also strike the low voltage conductors. These lightning strikes are probably not covered unless you have insurance from your homeowners' policy for you solar system.

How many surge protectors do you need?

That would depend upon the distance between the solar panels and the inverters. If it's less than 30 feet, then you need one protection device. If it's greater than 30 feet, you would need 2 protection devices. On one solar powered system, you can have a surge protector in the panel and have 2 lightning arresters, one on each array which is the best place to put them. If lightning happens to strike the array and get in the voltage, they would be isolated.

Within the electrical field, you have to bond the neutral at the source but when installing solar you don't have to bond it. That bonding is the main cause of electrical failure today caused by lightning strikes. It gives it an easy path to travel.

Whether or not you have solar, you should have a surge protector at your main panel. It is best to have an electrician install it.

Is there anything else a homeowner needs within their home to protect from lighting strikes?

It is a good idea to have surge protection strips. Not only can you have problems with surges but you can also have problems with brown outs which is equipment not getting enough voltage. When a brown out occurs, you can lose electronics like popcorn. The opposite can also occur. You can lose appliances if you have too much voltage. Too much voltage or too little voltage can be a problem either way.

Surge protectors are necessary in a home to prevent high and low spikes. How are you protecting your home and your valuables?

I would like to invite you to visit my site at where I teach helpful hints to you as a homeowner on how you can save money while saving energy to help the environment.

Article Source: [] Home Surge Protection

Why You Should Get a Surge Protector

Why You Should Get A Surge Protector

Author: Dylan Homer Sargent

Each house ought to be equipped having a whole residence surge guardian. For that appliances from the residence, this sort of a gadget can cut the level of energy provide to an proper degree. This gadget functions every time there exists an upsurge of electrical power supply to the home's electric panel.
Putting it straight, the entire property surge protector shields your home's devices from getting damaged due to surplus electricity flow. A surge protector also saves your household from catching a fire brought on by the overflow of strength supply. But it truly is also quite significant that you are aware on the limitations these protectors appear with. By style, they are generally only suited to AC devices.
Quite a few individuals get their surge protectors related with one or a number of home appliances and/or electronic equipment. These generally include bars equipped with reset switching and there exists room for 4 or 5 plugs in most situations. This sort of bar can plug into a regular electric outlet. If too significantly energy is supplied via this outlet, that bar will instantly click off to protect the devices, that are plugged in with it.
As you are able to recognize, this is for just a single outlet only. On top of that, the safety is meant only for that unique items which have been linked to that bar. However, having the entire property covered versus electrical power surge does not mean you could have one particular of this sort of units connected to every outlet within the property.
For ideal surge protection for the full house, you are going to require a protector wired to the electrical panel. This sort of devices are a bit hard to locate. Nevertheless, in most instances, an electrician can get you one particular from a vendor or manufacturer promoting electrical supplies to experts.
Normally, there're 2 varieties. Whilst a selection happens with wires stemming through the unit's back again, the other one particular will come with side outlets. A lot of products have general voltage capacity of 500 watts. Furthermore, these gadgets arrive with audible alarm too as warning lights. Obtaining this sort of a unit installed in the residence entails high-priced propositions. Nonetheless, a total home guardian can offer you while using ensure that your house and its inhabitants get good defense towards electrical power upsurge.
A surge guardian transfers electric electric power which surpasses the appropriate voltage, grounding it by method of wiring around the outlet. It can be a completely safe procedure which protects your devices.
The recent market offers different sorts of electrical power surge/spike protectors, so it can be essential to learn what particular qualities you need to have to appear for.
Your initial decision relates towards the quantity of surge protectors you will require. Do not believe that merely big groups of equipment need to be shielded. Whenever you only would like to guard a particular gadget and also you don't hope to make use of a huge multi-outlet strip design of surge protector, just one particular in the individual electronic outlet electric power surge and spike protectors that are available could be an perfect selection.
Make specified that your spike protector incorporates a built-in fuse. It need to add additional defence if there is certainly an electrical spike or surge that could be as well large being earthed usually through the surge protector's cables. It is also wise for being selected there exists a warranty versus harm that may possibly take place to equipment when it truly is linked into your surge guardian.
Several socket strength surge protectors often be the most popular design. Though pondering of one particular of these protectors you will have plenty of selections to choose from. Various are coded to assist you to recognise which tool each and every and each outlet is attached to, which saves you the irritation of tracing all of one's strength cables back to their distinct places just being capable to identify what one particular you intend to unplug. Multi-surge protectors appear in several different sizes and shapes to very best match the room you could have available.
Do you need to have your personal computer plus the entire property protected towards electrical energy surge? Then take into account calling your electrician to set up an suitable entire property electric guardian that guards your pc too as the entire house. This sort of a protector system is usually a guaranteed way to keep your home risk-free.
Emile Munoz has composed content articles over a broad range of niches for quite a few different sites. Even though Munoz focuses mostly on house improvement and wellness and fitness, he also specializes on battery backup surge protector which assesses the best power conditioner surge protector.

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About Author:

Emile Munoz has composed articles over a wide selection of niches for numerous unique websites. While he focuses mostly on home enhancement and health and fitness, he also specializes on battery backup surge protector which assesses the best

Saturday 7 January 2012

Are you protected??

Are your favourite electronic devices such as TVs, Computers, Audio equipment protected against power surges and brownouts? If not then it is time you thought about protecting them. A very small amount of money, such as a few pounds can purchase a simple surge protection device to protect a computer or TV worth many hundreds of pounds.

Seriously think about protecting your precious electronics as soon as possible.

Try for a good range of competitively priced surge suppression products.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Should I use Surge Protection for my Home Appliances?

The question whether or not to protect your home appliances with surge protection devices is a personal one, but it is something you should take seriously, especially if you use sensitive or expensive equipment. The cost of basic surge protection or surge suppression is minimal compared to the price of replacing equipment such as audio or video equipment.
Surge suppression really should be used for all electronic devices such as Computer Monitors, Televisions, Printers and DSL equipment. In fact any equipment that is semi-conductor based. The components in some of these devices are very susceptible to sudden changes in voltage, in particular increases in voltage.
So how does surge protection work?
A surge protector is normally placed in the AC power line between the wall outlet and the device it is intended to protect. Some surge protection devices can also be used to protect telephone equipment by being placed in the telephone line. They are designed to protect against what are known as voltage spikes or transients in an electrical circuit that can be caused by many different actions, some of which include:
  • Circuit Breakers tripping
  • Short Circuits as a result of poor maintenance of wiring or corrosion.
  • Power Outages
  • Fluctuations in power caused by the power generating company
  • Lightening Strikes
Surge suppression devices will generally protect against most of these eventualities, but lightning strikes can produce huge surges in voltage in the order of thousands of volts. Even with surge protection, if there is the possibility of lightning then the equipment should be totally isolated from the mains supply, including the surge protection device. It is worth noting that the lightning does not have to directly strike the power transmission lines in order affect the consumer supply. Other than lightning, surges in peak voltage are usually in the magnitude of several hundred volts and most commercially available protection devices will be designed to protect against power transients in that order.  
A device designed to protect against voltage spikes will have a rated clamping voltage, sometimes know as the let-through voltage. This is the voltage level at which the device will divert the unwanted voltage away from the line. The clamping voltage should be a little more than the required voltage for the devices being protected. Most surge suppression devices will have a clamping voltage somewhere in the region of 330 – 500 Volts, with 330 Volts being very common.
Another parameter to consider when purchasing voltage spike protection equipment is the protectors Joules rating, where a Joule is a unit of energy. The rating on surge protection devices will define just how much energy can be absorbed when a voltage transient occurs, without the device failing.  A properly designed protection device should only absorb a certain amount of energy before failing because by absorbing energy, that energy is dissipated elsewhere in the system. A surge protection device should be designed to fail at a sensible rating, thus dissipating the energy to ground and away from the sensitive equipment. The higher the rating, the better the protection and typical ratings for surge suppression devices designed for the home should have ratings in the order of 200-600 Joules.
The time it takes for the protection device to respond to the increase in voltage is known as the response time. If the response time is too long then the damage may already be done, so look for devices with response times of around 1 nanosecond, which should ensure adequate protection.
Finally, good surge protectors will have an indicator light to give you a visual representation that the device is providing full protection. Most devices will ‘burn out’ after a number of voltage spikes, particularly if those spikes are of a high magnitude because the Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) component has a finite life. The majority of multi-socket surge strips will still function as a basic power strip without the surge protection after the MOV has failed, but without the indicator light, you would have no way of knowing.
If you currently have no surge protection or are contemplating buying new computer or video equipment then it would be wise to invest in a relatively inexpensive surge suppression device to protect your investment. 

This article on Surge Suppression was written by David Christie, MD at NSTUK Ltd,  Website